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Anthony’s Portable Restrooms’ New Website

Big Changes for Anthony’s Portables

We are excited to announce the launch of our new website! With a clean, streamlined design and updated content, our goal is to provide the details of the business in an easy-access format that our customers enjoy. We have also made changes to the services and rentals that we offer, focusing on luxury, style, and class in all that we provide.

The new aesthetic better suits our company’s vision of providing our customers with clean, streamlined, and modern restroom and sanitation amenities. Our new website also features easy-to-scroll pages for mobile adaptability and simple navigation.

Lastly, we are excited to announce our new corporate location, acting as a central lighthouse for our delivery areas and satellite locations. We hope that with an updated vision, website, and service menu, we can launch our company into the future of portables for years to come.

We appreciate and look forward to hearing your feedback on all the changes. Feel free to reach out and let us know what you think!


How Many Toilets Do I Need for My Event?

Calculating How Many Portable Restrooms You Need

The key points to consider when planning for portable restroom rentals is the number of attendees and the length of the event. Depending on the number of people you plan to host, the nature of the event (alcohol/no alcohol, food service, etc.), and the length of the event, your number of portable restrooms will increase.

The restrictions for events vary, but job sites are much more regulated. OSHA has strict requirements for restroom provisions on job site locations. It is imperative to follow the up-to-date guidelines for sanitation provisions based on the nature of your job site.

Let the Los Angeles rental team at Anthony’s Portables help you choose the correct portable restroom and sanitation setup for your event or job site. Call us today to get started.

Portable Restrooms for Parties, Weddings, Concerts, and More

There are several factors to consider when planning an event. Whether it is a party, a concert, or another outdoor event, you will need to consider a few things:

  • The general rule of thumb for porta potties is that for every 100 people at an event there should be two portable restrooms.
  • For events longer than 4 hours, an additional toilet per 100 people should be added.
  • If alcohol is being served at an event, the number of restrooms should be increased by one as well, so the ratio is three restrooms per 100 people or four if the event is longer than 4 hours.
  • For events where food is served, remember to include hand washing stations in your rental budget.

Jobsites and Sanitation Requirements for Portable Restrooms

For job sites, OSHA requires one toilet and one urinal per 40 workers on the job site. If there are 200 employees or more in a location, the OSHA requirement is one toilet and one urinal per 50 employees. For each restroom (with four stalls), one handwashing station should be provided.

When planning restroom rentals for a construction site, it is crucial to remember that the restroom facilities will be used for the 40-hour workweek rather than a one- or two-day event.  Our team will provide on-site sanitation services at your request to maintain your restroom rental when you rent restroom trailers for full workweeks.

Call Anthony’s Portable Restrooms Today!

If you are unsure of how many restrooms you need for an event, contact our team for professional help. We can help you with planning and scheduling for your event, making sure you feel confident that you will have what you need for your event to run smoothly. Don’t let restrooms, handwashing stations, or other rentals be a point of stress for your event. Place your trust in our team to handle the details.

Contact our Los Angeles office to discuss how Anthony’s Portable Restrooms can supply your event or job site with the sanitation facilities you need.


Covid 19 and Portable Sanitation

Portable Emergency Response During the Pandemic

The team at Anthony’s Portable Restrooms has extensive experience with emergency response efforts, including providing restrooms, hand washing stations, fencing, and generators. In the face of Covid 19, our team is taking every precaution to ensure our restrooms are clean and sanitized so that when they arrive at your location safe and ready to use.

Not only can we provide restrooms and portable sanitation stations for rental, but we also supply these amenities to our first responders. We want to make sure that our fire, paramedic, police, and rescue teams are safe and prepared to tackle the jobs of protecting the community.

If you need sanitation stations, portable restrooms, or other emergency rentals, contact Anthony’s Portable Restrooms. Our Los Angeles portable restroom supply team can get your location equipped to handle your covid 19 response requirements. Call us today!

Sanitation and Covid 19 Protocol

Covid 19 has changed the way that we use restrooms, wash our hands, and move around other people. We wear masks, avoid shaking hands, and carry large amounts of hand sanitizer everywhere we go. Sanitation response for the pandemic differs from our typical hygiene needs, with increased amounts of sanitizer, extra space needed for restroom ins/outs, and increased water usage at handwashing stations.

Our portables team at Anthony’s Portable Restrooms strives to be available to our community for all of the sanitation and restroom needs that arise so that the people we serve feel confident that they are as safe as possible. We understand that in the face of an unfamiliar virus, we don’t know what works and what doesn’t. We don’t know how close is too close or how long and how often we need to wash our hands to truly be protected. Because of this, Anthony’s is going above and beyond, just in case.

You don’t have to worry about the cleanliness of our portable rentals or if your rental will be serviced and sanitized. Anthony’s Portable Restrooms follows every CDC protocol for Covid 19, to ensure the safety of our patrons.

Private Rentals from Anthony’s Portable Restrooms

Our restrooms, hand washing stations, and hand sanitizer stations are not just for emergency response use. We also offer options for private rental, so that you are prepared when you need alternative or additional restrooms and sanitation. Our restroom rentals can be serviced to ensure that they are clean for your guests or employees.

Let the team of Los Angeles portable restroom suppliers at Anthony’s Portable Restrooms outfit your location with the sanitation and facilities you need during the Covid 19 pandemic. We’re here to keep you safe.

Call our team today for all of your sanitation needs.

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