About Us

Our Mission

Our Mission as Portable Sanitation Service Providers in Los Angeles County

We dedicate ourselves to providing our customers with safe, clean, reliable equipment and services. Our traditional family values of commitment to our strong ethics carry over to our business and ensure a positive workplace for our employees. This provides a foundation for how we treat our customers and is reflected by our customers’ overall satisfaction.

Our Specialty

Our Specialty: Clean, Dependable Bathroom Rentals and Luxury Restroom Trailers

While we specialize in providing the best luxury portable restroom trailers, we also offer rental of shower and laundry trailers, portable toilets and sinks, holding tanks, generators, and more.

Our well-trained, dependable, and professional team are thorough with the setup and teardown of company equipment when on site. They are trained to clean and restock the work area as designated by the work agreement, so our customers know we care and will go the extra mile.

Covid-19 Protocol

Covid-19 Protocol with Sanitation Rentals

At Anthony’s Portables, our employees are committed to following all updated safety standards and COVID-19 protocols for cleaning, sanitizing, operating, and maintaining equipment. We understand that the needs of our customers and their guests or employees may vary, and we want to keep everyone on site safe and comfortable. As coronavirus protocol changes and evolves, we aim to adjust and remain a trusted provider of safe and sanitary restroom trailer rental.

What you can expect

We Expect the Unexpected

Anthony’s family and employees understand the importance of flexibility. Flexibility in handling special requests, repairing unexpected breakdowns or malfunctions, operating under any weather condition (heat, cold, rain, etc.) or at any location (city park to forest mountain top). We expect the unexpected and solve problems with urgency.

We strive to deliver quality service and excellent products to all our customers and to develop a strong business relationship with every customer that we continue to build daily.

Our Clients


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    63739 street lorem ipsum City, Country


    +12 (0) 345 678 9

